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How To Start An Art Page On Instagram – An Easy Guide To Online Art

Are you an aspiring artist that wants to get your art out into the world? Then there is no place better than Instagram: a free and easy to use site that displays your art all in one place. Your page will act as a hub to attract people and potential clients, whilst allowing you to express yourself on your own terms. With Instagram, you are not constrained. In this article, we will explore how to start an art page on Instagram and why it could benefit you as an artist.

Create A Business Account

So you’ve downloaded Instagram and are ready to create your own page dedicated to your art. Instagram for artists opens up a whole new world of possibilities. The first step is to create a business account on Instagram. A business account differs from a normal Instagram account as you can add further details and contact information that makes the page easier to navigate. You can add your email address or number. The perfect feature if you offer custom or commissioned artwork. You can also add an address – ideal if you have your own gallery or shop.

Choose The Perfect Name

Successful Instagram Artists

How to start an art page on Instagram? It all starts with your unique “@”. It is crucial that you decide on the perfect page name. This name doesn’t have to be your name, but that is always a good place to start. We recommend choosing something catchy and easy to remember. Keep it short and sweet, avoiding too many numbers and special characters. This makes it easier for people to find you and remember you. Of course, your art will speak for itself but it doesn’t hurt to accompany it with your own brand. So get creative and select an “@” that represents you.

Write A Snappy Bio

The next step is writing your Instagram bio. This is where you can add a brief summary of you or your art and add any links you may have. Your bio acts as a little introduction to your new page. While you want to give a warm and welcoming introduction, keep it short and informative. You want to keep it professional but still remain faithful to yourself.

We recommend a brief introduction to you and your art. Mention the type of art you produce, any links you may have or even your own hashtag. This is the perfect place to promote your website or store. As it is located right at the top of the page, people are more likely to see and click on these links. It is great for getting people to engage as well as drawing attention to other areas you may wish to promote.

Get Posting

Start posting your art to gain traction and create the equivalent of a virtual portfolio. We recommend that you post at least once a day, whether this is through a grid post or on stories. But remember that quality is better than quantity. So if you have no new content to post, don’t ruin your feed with an obvious filler post, allow it to motivate you to create more content. Posts can include behind the scenes shots and the process of creating your beautiful art. Either way, your audience will appreciate the thrilling content, and so will the Instagram algorithm. It’s never been easier to post digital art on Instagram.

What To Post

Telling you to post quality content frequently is a lot easier said than done. But don’t worry, we have a few ideas for you when you need post inspiration.

  • Before and after – consumers love to see a transformation.
  • Behind the scenes – the process is just as fascinating as the final result.
  • Sneak peek – show your followers what’s to come.
  • Your art essentials – reveal your ride or die products.
  • Your inspiration – reveal why you make what you do.
  • YOU! – add that personal touch.

Use Hashtags

Your posts are nothing without effective hashtags. Hashtags are how people can find and connect with your work, so don’t forget to implement them. Click here to read our blog post on hashtags to get more information and inspiration.

Enter Competitions

A great way to gain some recognition for your work is by entering competitions. If you win, you may even be rewarded with a wonderful cash prize. Think of all the new art supplies you could purchase.

Gain A Following

Now you know how to start an art page on Instagram it’s time for it to grow and flourish. Gaining followers is easier than you think. Engaging and creative content attracts people, and your wonderful art is no exception. If you are unsure where to start then read our 7 tips on how to gain Instagram followers here.

Be Active

Once you gain that following, you want to keep it. So it is important to stay active and connect with your followers. Reply to comments and messages, and you can even join online forums and groups to become a part of the artist community.

Take Advantage Of Reels

Instagram reels for artists are a great addition to your page. They are the perfect way to attract more followers and connect with your existing audience. This feature allows you to add longer videos with a selection of audios and effects to choose from. With its own timer, countdown and choice of speed and alignment, you can create seamless videos that really show off your artistic talents.

Why are reels relevant? Reels appear in the explore tab, meaning even those who don’t follow you get to see your reels, hopefully drawing them in to hit the follow button. You could also be featured – a rare occurrence but still a possibility. Reels are great at drawing in new followers as more people are likely to watch reels of those they are not following. So what are you waiting for? Get recording and make your art go viral.

How to Write an Artist Bio

Sell Your Unique Designs

Now you know how to start an art page on Instagram why not sell your art with Contrado? We have over 450 products for you to customise with your own art and sell directly to your customers. Design products and earn money all whilst getting your work out there. You have unlimited control of your designs. So get selling today!

sell your art online

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